Sahjan Tree

*Botanical name- Moringa oleifera 

*Local name – Sahjan tree

*Family -  Moringaceae

Medicinal used - They are also rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. 

1 . Regulates Blood Sugar Levels.  

2 . Relieves Joint Pains.  

3 . Boosts Memory And Concentration.  

4 . Improves Fertility.  

5 . Helps Clear Acne.  

6 . Promotes Tissue Growth.  

7 . Kills Intestinal Worms. 

8 . Aids In Healthy Pregnancy. 

9.Many nervous disorders have been known to show positive results against the use of moringa leaves. 

10.They have niazimicin that is known to reign in the development of cancer cells. 


Environment benefit - Moringa seed cake, obtained as a byproduct of pressing seeds to obtain oil, is used to filter water using flocculation to produce potable water for animal or human consumption. 

Moringa seed cake removes most impurities from water.