Redbud leaf

Jiwaji University


*Botanical name:-    Cercis canadensis

*Local name - Eastern redbud, Redbud,  Mexican redbud,Texas redbud

*Family -Fabaceae

Common characteristics:-

The bark of this tree has an inner orange-red color that becomes completely red with maturity. They are a dark green changing to a clear yellow, with a fall color that is yellow-green. Flowers are rose-pink to magenta, they grow in small clusters of pea-like blossoms that will appear in early May-April.

* Medicinal used –Astringent, Diarrhea, Dysentry, Fever, Leukemia

Environmental Uses- Air purification, Prevent Soil Erosion, Shadow Tree

Ecosystem services:-

Birds and some insect pollinators may utilize this tree for its flowers and fruits.