
*Botanical name:- Trachycarpus fortunei

*Local name:- Chinese Windmill Palm , Chusan Palm , Fortunes Palm , Windmill Palm , china palm.

*Family - Arecaceae

Natural History- Foliage(पत्ते):- Evergreen , Bloom(फूल का खिलना ):- Summer, June-July , Bark(छाल ):- Winter 

Windmill Palm Benefits-

Windmill Palm is widely cultivated in the south, mainly peel its brown fiber (leaf sheath fiber), as a rope, coir coir, brown stretch, carpet, brush and as a sofa filler, The young leaves can be bleached to make fans and straw hats, The closed buds, also known as brown fish, are edible, Brown bark and petiole (brown plate) calcined charcoal medicine has hemostasis effect, fruit, leaves, flowers, roots, etc.

 In addition, Windmill Palm has a beautiful tree shape and is also an excellent tree species for Garden greening. 

* Medicinal used – 

Windmill Palm can be used as a hemostatic.

Part of Plant Used-

Buds, Fruits, Leaves.

Other Uses-

Grown for shade, Used to make baskets, brooms, hats, Useful for shade, Weaving into Mats and Bags.


*Environmental benefits - Air purification