Blackboard Tree

*Botanical name:-  Alstonia scholaris

*Local name:-Devil tree, Scholar tree, Dita bark, Blachboard tree, Saptaparna, Indian Pulai, White Cheesewood, Milkwood Pine, Dita Bark, Bitter Bark.

*Family -   Apocynaceae

* Medicinal used –In Ayurveda, it is used as an astringent herb for treating skin disorders, malarial fever, dysentery, diarrhoea and for snake bites.

1. Cures recurrent and intermittent fever

Indian devil tree’s bark is collected and its outer skin is removed by scraping. To this, small piece of garlic and cumin seeds are added in equal proportion and decoction is prepared. This is administered fourth hourly in a dose of 15-20 ml. This calms recurrent and intermittent fever effectively.

2. Obesity & Cholesterol

Fresh bark or leaves are collected and fresh juice is obtained by pounding. Preferably this is administered in early morning. This is very effective against the complaints like obesity, hyper cholesterol and lipoma.

3. Jaundice

5-10 gram of Indian devil tree’s bark is taken and fine paste is made. This is administered along with buttermilk, daily early in the morning for 5-10 days. It is found to be effective in obstructive jaundice cases.

4. Dandruff and Head Lice

Bark of the tree is taken and pounded well and coarse paste is made. To this 150 ml of sesame oil is added and heated in mild intensity of heat till complete evaporation of the water content. This is filtered and stored. This is used to apply to the scalp. This is effective against dandruff and head lice.

Diarrhea: Prepare a decoction of Alstonia Scholaris bark. Take it, twice a day.

Arthritis: Prepare a decoction of Alstonia Scholaris root. Take it, twice a day.

Indigestion: Make an infusion of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder. Drink during bedtime.

Slimy stools: Drink the infusion of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder at night.

Fatigue: Make an infusion of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder. Filter it. Drink 2 tsp, thrice a day.

Fever: Crush the roots of Alstonia Scholaris. Take quarter tsp with 1 cup hot water.

Ascaris: Take powder of Alstonia Scholaris root. Take it with lukewarm water.

Phlegm: Grind roots of Alstonia Scholaris to make powder. Have 1/4 tsp with warm water.

Ulcers: Apply milky latex on ulcers.


* Health hazards:- Blachboard trees are having medicinal values but those trees should not be planted in public places.

With the fragrance and pollen of the trees, people are suffering from respiratory problems and eye infections. The authorities should not promote this type of plants in public areas.

 Injured bark and leaves exude milky latex. Copious pollen produced during blooming known to cause nasal allergies.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - The tree also derived the name the ‘blackboard tree’.

Research has proven that these trees improve the air quality by removing pollutants and replacing them with fresh oxygen. 

Enhanced stormwater management and water quality: Vegetation reduces runoff and improves water quality by absorbing and filtering rainwater.


*Botanical name:- Tamarindus indica

*Local name:-Tamarind , Imli इमली , Amli , चिञ्चा Chinchaa, तिन्त्रिणी Tintrini, Puli , Chinch.

*Family -Fabaceae

Natural History- Tamarind has a peak season early spring to late fall.(इमली का मौसम शुरुआती वसंत से लेकर देर से गिरने तक का होता है। )

* Medicinal used – Mitigate Liver Injury(लीवर की चोट को कम करें ):-

Chronic inflammation in your body indirectly affects your liver. In a study, rats with arthritis were given tamarind seed extract. The active procyanidins in tamarind extract countered free radical damage of the liver. Depletion in the levels of inflammatory markers, like glutathione, total thiols, glutathione peroxidase, and reductase.

Exfoliate And Lighten Your Skin(एक्सफोलिएट करें और अपनी त्वचा को हल्का करें ):- 

There was a relative decrease in skin melanin and sebum contents when the test product was applied. This could be attributed to the presence of antioxidant polyphenols in tamarind. These compounds eliminate free radicals in your body and, thus, indirectly reduce the melanin content in your skin. 

Tamarind pulp is said to possess skin lightening properties.

 Weight Management (वजन प्रबंधन ):-

This anti-obesity effect was seen when rats on a high-fat diet received 5, 25, or 50 mg/kg of tamarind pulp extract orally for 10 weeks. 

Stomach Ache And Constipation(पेट दर्द और कब्ज ):- 

Constipation and diarrhea often cause abdominal pain. Tamarind bark and root extracts have been proven to be effective in curing stomach ache. In Nigeria, soaked tamarind is eaten to deal with constipation.South Indian preparation that is made of spices, tamarind, cumin, black pepper, and mustard. It is eaten with rice to promote digestion.

Hypertension And Promote Heart Health(उच्च रक्तचाप और हृदय स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देना ):- The fruit extract was able to heal atherosclerotic lesions in hamsters. Moreover, active tamarind molecules possess anti-inflammatory effects. They can tone down the severity of atherosclerosis and several cardiovascular diseases.


Did You Know?

Tamarind has proven anti-venom properties. It is widely used as a remedy against snake bites in India.(इमली में विष-विरोधी गुण सिद्ध होते हैं। यह व्यापक रूप से भारत में सांप के काटने के खिलाफ एक उपाय के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है।)

Its extract prevents edema, hemorrhage, and rapid blood clotting in victims.(इसका अर्क पीड़ितों में एडिमा, रक्तस्राव और तेजी से रक्त के थक्के बनने से रोकता है। )

Moreover, tamarind seeds can inhibit several enzymes that are involved in venom response in your body.(इसके अलावा, इमली के बीज आपके शरीर में जहर प्रतिक्रिया में शामिल कई एंजाइमों को रोक सकते हैं )

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद !

*Environmental benefits - Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is one of the most commonly under-utilized plant materials with some reported biological and environmental relevance. In this communication, we reported on antioxidant potentials and environmental role associated with T. indica, which might be due to its vast phytochemical constituents, to unravel the applicability of antioxidant properties of T. indica for environmental health and remediation. 

Tree clean the Air- Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.


*Botanical name:- Mangifera indica

*Local name:- Aam, king of fruit, Aamkali, Neelam, Malgova, Malda, Mango.

*Family -  Anacardiaceae

 Famous mango varieties in India - Totapuri, Hapus, Sindhura, Banginapalli, Ratnagiri, Chausa, Raspuri, Pairi, Himsagar, Neelam, Malgova, Malda, Langra, Kesar, ​Badami.

* Medicinal used – Prevents anemia:-

 Mango is rich in iron. Consuming mango in adequate quantities helps in increasing iron levels. Also, the vitamin C present in mango increases the absorption of iron.

Improves digestion:- Disorders of the digestive system are a major cause of poor health. Being rich in fiber and polyphenols, consuming mango aids in decreasing constipation and inflammation of the bowels.

Helps gain weight:- Many individuals find it hard to gain weight. According to Ayurveda, consuming mango with milk helps in nourishing the body and gaining weight.

Improves eyesight:- Do you know why the mango pulp has a rich yellow color  It is due to the presence of an abundance of carotenoids which help in improving eyesight.

Keeps heart healthy:- Research shows that low selenium levels are linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Mango is a good source of selenium and B6, both of which promote heart health.

 Anti-cancer effects:- Mangiferin, a natural polyphenol present in mango, has been shown to exert anti-cancer properties.  They also say that this polyphenol has antioxidant properties, which decrease oxygen-free radicals and reduces damage to the DNA.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Other Uses- Human food and beverage- Beverage base, Emergency (famine) food, Fruits, Honey,honey flora, Spices and culinary herbs.

Materials-  Carved material , Dye-tanning, Miscellaneous materials, Wood,timber.

Season of planting-

Planting spreads from July to December

*Environmental benefits - Agroforestry

Boundary, barrier or support

Shade and shelter

Soil improvement


Neem is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines and remedies since thousands of years. Its root bark, stem bark, gum, Flower, Leaves ,seeds and  seed oil are used for various medicinal purposes.

(नीम का उपयोग आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं और उपचार में हजारों सालों से बड़े पैमाने पर किया जाता रहा है। इसकी जड़ की छाल, तने की छाल, गोंद, फूल, पत्ते, बीज और बीज का तेल विभिन्न औषधीय प्रयोजनों के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।)

*Botanical name:- Azadirachta indica   

*Local name:-  Neem 

*Family: - Meliaceae

* Medicinal used :–

leaves- Goodbye dandruff: Boil a bunch of neem leaves till the water turns green, allow it to cool. After washing your hair with shampoo, cleanse it with this water.

पत्तियां-गुडबाय डैंड्रफ: नीम के पत्तों का एक गुच्छा पानी के हरे होने तक उबालें, इसे ठंडा होने दें। बालों को शैंपू से धोने के बाद इस पानी से बालों को साफ कर लें।

Amazing benefits of neem oil:- Hair Loss, Dandruff, Dry Itchy Scalp, Frizzy Hair, Oil for Lice, Dry Skin, Skin Pigmentation, Eczema and Psoriasis, Fungal Infections, Anti-Aging and Sun Protection, Healthy Gums, Teeth, Plants, Mosquitoes, Bed Bugs.

नीम के तेल के अद्भुत लाभ: - बालों का झड़ना, रूसी, सूखी खुजली वाली खोपड़ी, घुंघराले बाल, जूँ के लिए तेल, शुष्क त्वचा, त्वचा रंजकता, एक्जिमा और सोरायसिस, फंगल संक्रमण, एंटी-एजिंग और सन प्रोटेक्शन, स्वस्थ मसूड़े, दांत, पौधे, मच्छर, बिस्तर कीड़े।

Neem Twigs & Bark- If you were born in India, you would have seen people chew away at a neem twig. For many years now, a neem twig is what people used as a make-do toothbrush. It fights germs, maintains the alkaline levels in your saliva, keeps bacteria at bay, treats swollen gums and also gives you whiter teeth.

नीम की टहनियाँ और छाल- यदि आप भारत में पैदा हुए हैं, तो आपने लोगों को नीम की टहनी को चबाते देखा होगा। कई सालों से, नीम की टहनी को लोग मेकअप के लिए टूथब्रश के रूप में इस्तेमाल करते हैं। यह कीटाणुओं से लड़ता है, आपकी लार में क्षारीय स्तर को बनाए रखता है, बैक्टीरिया को दूर रखता है, सूजे हुए मसूड़ों का इलाज करता है और आपको सफेद दांत भी देता है।

 Fever, Upset stomach, Breathing conditions,Malaria, Worms, Head lice, Skin conditions and diseases, Heart disease,Diabetes.

बुखार, पेट की ख़राबी, सांस लेने की स्थिति, मलेरिया, कीड़े, सिर की जूँ, त्वचा की स्थिति और रोग, हृदय रोग, मधुमेह।

* Health benifits - May promote hair health, May boost dental and oral health, May aid liver and kidney health. Neems antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, may help fight oxidative stress, which may in turn promote liver and kidney health, May improve skin health, other health benefits.

* स्वास्थ्य लाभ - बालों के स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा दे सकता है, दंत और मौखिक स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा दे सकता है, यकृत और गुर्दे के स्वास्थ्य में सहायता कर सकता है। नीम के एंटीऑक्सिडेंट और विरोधी भड़काऊ गुण, ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव से लड़ने में मदद कर सकते हैं, जो बदले में यकृत और गुर्दे के स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा दे सकता है, त्वचा के स्वास्थ्य में सुधार कर सकता है, अन्य स्वास्थ्य लाभ।


Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits -

Ø Neem is extremely useful in urban forestry because it has remarkable ability to withstand air and water pollution as well as heat.

Ø Neem also helps in restoring and maintaining soil fertility which makes it highly suitable in agro-forestry.

Ø Neem is a natural resource to keep environment clean.



*Botanical name:-  Senna siamea

*Local name:-Kassod Tree, Siamese Cassia, Thailand Shower, Johar, Jahor, Busuk-Busuk, Petai Belalang, Blackwood Cassia, Bombay Blackwood, Iron Wood, Pheasant Wood, कसौद का पेड़.

*Family -  Fabaceae

Natural History-Leaves start to fall in late January and new leaf appears in late March or early April. Flowers in two distinct peaks, the major one after the rains lasting into December, a shorter one in May. Fruit ripen towards late February.

* Medicinal used –Traditionally Senna siamea is used for the treatment of typhoid fever ( टॉ़यफायड बुखार ), jaundice ( पीलिया ),Menstrual pain ( मासिक - धर्म में दर्द ) and is also used to reduce sugar level in the blood. 

Ethno medicinally  Kassod is used as laxative, blood cleaning agent, cure for digestive system and genitourinary disorders, herpes and rhinitis.

leave- Fresh and dried leaves (boiled for 20 min in 1L of water)  the treatment of infectious diseases.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।


*Environmental benefits - Afforestation and soil reclamation-

  Kassod tree is planted in degraded and dry areas for rehabilitation of forests, and it holds promise for reclamation of mined areas (aluminium mine tailings).

 It has been used in a afforestation program aiming at fixing the fly ash from a thermal power station in India

Erosion control and soil improver-

 Kassod tree planted in hedgerows increased topsoil infiltration, reduced runoff and prevented soil erosion.

Boundary or barrier or support, shade and shelter-

Kassod  trees planted in hedgerows provide live fence around food crops. It can be grown as a shade tree along roads and in cocoa, coffee and tea plantations. It is a useful windbreak and shelterbelt.


Red Gulmohar

*Botanical name:-  Delonix regia

*Local name:-Delonix regia, royal poinciana, flamboyant,  flame tree, Krishnachura, Gulmohar.

*Family -  Fabaceae

During summer, this tree is filled up with Gulmohar flowers. With its unique beauty, it includes ingredients to offer us medicinal benefits. In India, This is considered a sacred tree.

This tree has two types:- 1.Yellow Gulmohar, 2.Red Gulmohar

*Commercial Uses - 

The wood is used for fuel, the calorific value of the wood being 4600 kcal/kg.

Its flowers are used in producing bee forage.

Gulmohar tree produces a thick water - soluble gum which is then used as a binding agent in manufacturing tablets and also in textile industries.

As its seeds are quite hard and elongated they are used to make beads.

The seeds are used in making Pangam Oil which is used in tanning industry.

* Medicinal used – Cures baldness and hair fall

If you are facing the problem of hair fall, then the marvelous way to treat it is the Gulmohar plant. Make a powder by grinding the leaves of Gulmohar. Then, just mix it with warm water and apply it on your scalp. If you apply on the head every week or twice a week, then you will start seeing results in a few days.

Gulmuhar cures cramps in periods-

Womens severe abdominal pain and cramps during periods every month can also be reduced through Gulmuhar. You will not find any other way to solve this problem. Pain can be relieved by the use of Gulmohar flowers. For this you have to grind its dried flowers and make powder. Then take about 2-4 grams of powder and mix honey in it. It will surely work wonders in curing menstrual cramps.

Heals mouth ulcers-

Mouth ulcers can be extremely uncomfortable for everyone, so they need to be treated as soon as possible. In such a situation, if you are not in the habit of eating medicine, then you can use its home remedies. You can use Gulmohar tree for quick healing of ulcers. Take a little powder of its bark and mix it with honey. Consuming this mixture gives you instant relief.

Cures arthritis pain-

People believe that in rheumatism, grinding the leaves of the yellow colored Gulmohar plant and making a decoction of it gives instant relief from the pain of arthritis. Grinding the leaves of yellow-flowered gulmohar and applying it provides relief in arthritis pain. You can try it and you will not have any side effects from it.

Cures scorpion venom-

Scorpion venom can be highly toxic to the human body and can have many harmful effects on your health. It can even cause death, so you need to treat it immediately. Whenever you do not understand anything, to cure it, grind yellow colored Gulmohar and apply powder. Applying it on the affected area will reduce the venom of the scorpion.

Cure Piles-

Grind yellow Gulmohar leaves milk and then use it on piles, so it offers relief from hemorrhoids.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - 

The tree is mainly grown for its shade and ornamental value. Because of its hardy nature and aggressive root system , it is a good tree to control soil erosion in the arid and semi- arid areas.


Yellow Gulmohar

*Botanical name:-  Peltophorum pterocarpum

*Local name:- Copperpod, Rusty shield-bearer, Peela gulmohar, Yellow Flame Tree, Yellow Jacaranda, Horsebush, Yellow Flamboyant, Golden Flamboyant.

*Family - Fabaceae

* Medicinal used – Gulmohar is well known for its beautiful flowers. But it also has some medicinal properties like Anti-diabetic activity, Anti-bacterial activity, Anti-diarrheal property, Hepatoprotective/Cytotoxic property, Anti-microbial activity, Anti-Inflammatory activity.

 It belongs from family Leguminosae. The plant has several medicinal uses like it is used to treat constipation, inflammations, arthritis and hemiphlagia.

Heals mouth ulcers- Mouth ulcers can be extremely uncomfortable for everyone, so they need to be treated as soon as possible. In such a situation, if you are not in the habit of eating medicine, then you can use its home remedies. You can use Gulmohar tree for quick healing of ulcers. Take a little powder of its bark and mix it with honey. Consuming this mixture gives you instant relief.

Cures arthritis pain- People believe that in rheumatism, grinding the leaves of the yellow colored Gulmohar plant and making a decoction of it gives instant relief from the pain of arthritis. Grinding the leaves of yellow-flowered gulmohar and applying it provides relief in arthritis pain. You can try it and you will not have any side effects from it.

Cures scorpion venom- Scorpion venom can be highly toxic to the human body and can have many harmful effects on your health. It can even cause death, so you need to treat it immediately. Whenever you do not understand anything, to cure it, grind yellow colored Gulmohar and apply powder. Applying it on the affected area will reduce the venom of the scorpion.

Cure Piles- Grind yellow Gulmohar leaves milk and then use it on piles, so it offers relief from hemorrhoids.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - The tree has a dense, spreading crown and so is widely appreciated for providing shade.

 It is planted as a shade tree in coffee and cacao plantations and is used in shelterbelts because it is wind firm.

It can be used for the reforestation of wastelands that are heavily infested.


*Botanical name:-  Ficus benghalensis

*Local name:- Bar, Bat Gaach, Bath, Bot (Bengali); Banyan Fig, Banyan Tree, East Indian Fig Tree, Indian Banyan, Weeping Chinese Banyan (English); Vad, Vadlo, Vor (Gujarati); Bargad, Barh, Vatavriksh (Hindi); Bargad 

*Family - Moraceae

* Medicinal used –Banyan Leaves Remedies

·Abscess (painful collection of pus due to bacterial infection), Boils

Take fresh Banyan leaves. Coat them with Til or sesame oil. Warm coated leaves and apply in the form of poultice to affected areas.

·Painful joints, swelling

Apply sesame oil on fresh leaves of Banyan. Warm this and apply on the affected areas.


Apply leaves paste on the affected area.


Make paste of tender leaves of Banyan and coconut pulp. Apply on freckles. Similarly, leaf-bud of Banyan and masur ki dal paste removes freckles and gives a glow.

·Intrinsic hemorrhage

Tender leaves of durva grass and Banyan mixed with honey should be taken.

Banyan Aerial roots remedies


Take aerial roots of the tree and pound them. Take this with buttermilk.

Soak tender leaf buds in water at night. Next morning drink the infusion.

·Gum problems, Pyorrhoea

Use aerial roots for mouth cleaning.


Apply paste of aerial roots.

·Hair problems

Make Powder of equal quantities of the aerial roots of banyan and the lemon peel. Boil this powder in coconut oil and apply.

In the case of baldness, powder the aerial roots of banyan tree and lotus roots and use the same way.

·Tooth care

Chew Tender aerial roots and use as toothbrushes.

Banyan Bark Remedies

·Moth ulcers, Bad breath

Boil bark (1 inch) of Banyan tree in one cup water. Gargle with this water frequently.

·Excessive urination

Boil 2 teaspoon bark powder in glass of water till volume reduces to 1/2 glass. Drink this prepared decoction throughout the day.

·Skin diseases, Venereal diseases

Boil 5 grams bark powder in 2 glass of water and cook till water reduces to 1/4 th. Drink this 2-3 times a week.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits -Fallen tree leaves lower reduce soil temperature and prevent soil from losing too much moisture.

Being the national tree of India, banyan is one of the trees that is beneficial for society and people in several ways.

 One popular benefit of it is the shade it offers and it is the oldest tree in the country. 

it also offers enough oxygen and thus it is worshipped as well.


Chirol Tree

*Botanical name:-  Holoptelea integrifolia

*Local name:-  chilbil, Indian Elm, Entire-leaved elm tree, jungle cork tree, chirivilva ,  Bandar bati, Tapasi, Chirol.

*Family - Ulmaceae

* Medicinal used – Constipation- 

 If you are troubled by the problem of constipation, then you can get rid of this problem by using Chirol

Make a decoction of the bark of the stem of Chilor and take it in 10-20 ml quantity, it ends constipation.

Relief from Abdominal Pain- Taking 5-10 ml of Chirol juice mixed with honey destroys stomach worms and provides relief from colic.

Vomiting- Mix sugar candy in 5-10 ml juice of Chirol leaves and take, it stops vomiting.

 Piles- 2-4 ग्राम Chirol के बीजों के चूर्ण को गर्म पानी के साथ सेवन करने से खूनी बवासीर में लाभ मिलता है।

(Taking 2-4 grams powder of Chirol seeds with warm water provides relief in bloody piles.)

Diabetes- Mix 10 grams Haritaki, Bahera, Amla and Jamun-seed-churna in 100 grams of Chirbilva-Kand-bark powder and take 1-2 grams daily in the morning, it is beneficial in diabetes.

Joint Pain- Applying the juice of the bark of the stem of the chirol on the joints provides relief from swelling and pain caused by arthritis.

Body Odour - Make a paste of mango tamarind and chirol seeds and apply it on the body. Doing this removes the smell of sweat.

Chickenpox- To get relief from smallpox, drink 5-10 ml of Chilbil juice mixed with Amla-Swarus, sugar candy and honey, according to the advice of the doctor.

Note- If you are thinking of using Chirol as a home remedy for any serious illness, then it is better to first consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

*Environmental benefits - Reducing Climate Change- If people are good at something, then it is building up excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Harmful CO2 contributes to climate change, the biggest current problem the world has to deal with. Trees, however, help fight it. They absorb CO2 removing it from the air and storing it while releasing oxygen.

They absorb pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, ammonia, sulfur dioxide. 

A mature acre of trees can yearly provide oxygen for 18 people.



*Botanical name:- Limonia acidissima , Feronia limonia

*Local name:- Wood Apple , Kaith कैठ ,  Kotha , Velaga , पुष्पफल pushpaphal , दधिफल dadhiphal , 

*Family - Rutaceae (citrus family)

Natural History-  Fruit season-  Early March  fruit matures October onwards.

* Medicinal used – Part- used for medicinal purpose -Fruits, gum, leaves, bark and pulp.

- Kaith is a cooling in nature. It quenches excess thirst and gives relief in bleeding disorders.

- It is binding and constipating due to which it is helpful in loose motion.

- It is a good source of carbohydrate and protein.

- It is a rich source of vitamin C and cures vitamin C deficiency.

- It lowers cholesterol level and blood sugar level.

- It can be used as home remedy to cure various diseases that occur in summer season due to its astringent, constipating, and binding, diuretic properties.

Dysentery, diarrhea, piles- In diarrhea, 3-6 grams of powder of dried tender leaves is given twice a day.The mashed fruit pulp is used as home remedy.

Diseases of ear, Pain in ear- 3-4 drops of lukewarm juice of the fruits is used as ear drops twice a day.

Malabsorption syndrome, Kidney stone- The juice of leaves is taken in a dose of 7-14 ml.

Stomach troubles- The leaves juice is given.

Diseases of eyes- The powder of leaves and flowers talk is mixed with and applied in eyes.

Intestinal parasites- Fifty gram pulp of the ripe fruit is mixed in Butter milk and taken once daily, for 3 days.

Diabetes- 10 g of ripe fruit is given once a day for 1 month.

Insect bites and stings- The pulp is applied externally.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद !

*Environmental benefits - Fruit trees produce fresh oxygen, giving you and your family cleaner air to breathe, as well as encouraging wildlife to flourish.

Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.

Indian almond

*Botanical name-Terminalia catappa

*Local name –Badam, Desi Badam, Lili Badam, Indian Almond

*Family - Combretaceae

Almonds are super food and are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, folic acid, dietary fibre, minerals and oil.

Medicinal used –  Health building, gives strength and stamina, Strengthen muscles

Improves hair growth and prevents premature hair fall

Reduces risk of heart diseases

Reducing cholesterol

Treating anemia


Skin problems

Improving memory, Amnesia

General weakness


Sexual tonic


Benefits of drinking Almond milk

Source of vitamins and minerals

Almond milk contains various essential vitamins and minerals which are required for good health such as vitamin E, B complex, copper, magnesium, zinc, calcium, protein and healthy fat.


Almonds are rich in phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds neutralize free radicals inside the body and protects from diseases.

Good for the heart

Almond milk is good for the heart, as it contains less sodium, no cholesterol and fair amount of potassium. Clinical trials have shown that consuming 85g of almonds per day lowers LDL cholesterol levels by approximately 10%. If you are taking 7g almonds per day then it reduces LDL cholesterol by 1%. As per researchers the risk of cardiovascular disease decreases by 2% for every percentage reduction in LDL cholesterol.

Almonds for increasing weight, Almonds for burning urination, Almonds for jaundice etc.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Environment  benefits-

 Reinforcing -

SoilTrees are one of the best partners when it comes to agriculture. They act positively in several ways: they reduce soil erosion, increase fertility and help soil obtain moisture.

Renewable Energy Source

Providing Shelters for Wildlife

Preventing Water Pollution

Natural Air Conditioning

Purifying Air-  Have you ever felt that feeling of „cleaner air“ in the woods or by the seaside? Well, you were right because it is well known that trees do purify the air.

Gular Tree

*Botanical name:-  Ficus racemosa

*Local name:-Sanskrit- Udumbara , Audumbara,  Krmiphalah, Gular, Jantukaphalah.  Hindi- Goolar, Udumbara, Umari, Jantu Phal, Dumar,  Dharma Patra, Pani Bhuj.  English- Cluster Fig, Country Fig, Gular fig.

*Family -  Moraceae

* Medicinal used –Goolar tree leaves, fruits and bark are used to treat various diseases.

Here are some medicinal application of cluster fig to treat various diseases.

Mouth ulcers and other mouth infections

Take bark (10 gm)of gular tree and cook in water(400 ml) for a few minutes. Add alum(pinch) and filter. Use this water to rinse mouth frequently .


Take bark of gular tree, grind on stone with water to make paste. Apply at affected area.


For curing boils take gular bark paste and apply at affected area.

Pimples and freckles

Take inner side of gular bark and make paste of it. Apply on pimples, acne and freckles.

Burn marks on skin

Take gular fruits and make paste. Mix paste with honey and apply regularly on burn marks. Use regularly to get normal skin tone.

Also burning causes skin to tighten and stiffen. Apply paste of bark and leaves at such burnt areas.

Rakta Pitta , Nose Bleeding

Take tender leaves(10-15), grind to extract juice and add misri to this juice. Take regularly.

Urticaria(Hives) or sheetpitta

Take tender leaves and extract juice. Drink 15 ml juice for a few days.

Bhasmak rog

Dry gular fruits and make powder. Take this powder(1 tbsp) three times a day for a few days.


Drink 10- 15 ml juice of gular tender leaves.

Stomach ache

Take dry fruits of gular, ajwain and sendha namak. Make powder and take two times a day with water.

Fistula, Piles Hemorrhoids

Take milk like secretion or latex of gular tree after plucking leaves and soak in cotton. Apply on the affected area.

Leucorrhea, Weakness , Spermatorrhea

Drink 1 cup juice of gular tender leaves in morning.

Burning In Hands And Feet Due To Excess Pitt

Drink tender leaves juice of gular.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits -Reduced energy use: Trees and vegetation that directly shade buildings decrease demand for air conditioning.

Enhanced stormwater management and water quality: Vegetation reduces runoff and improves water quality by absorbing and filtering rainwater.


*Botanical name:- Cordia dichotoma

*Local name:- gumberry, labeda, lasora,vad gundo,goborhut, bahubara, bird lime tree,indian cherry, clammy cherry, fragrant manjack,boch,lamkelaba,bankanakkera , लसोड़ा .

*Family - Boraginaceae

Natural History-  Fruit season in india-March -June.

* Medicinal used – 

Lasoda is beneficial for high blood pressure-

हाई ब्लड प्रेशर के लिए फायदेमंद है लसोड़ा-

High blood pressure is the most common disease around the world but you can also cure it through home remedies. A study published in the year 2016 showed that Cordia myxa fruit has anti-hypertensive properties. The study was done for 5 weeks and it was found that this fruit extract can manage blood pressure levels and reduce oxidative stress.

हाई ब्लड प्रेशर दुनिया भर में सबसे आम बीमारी है लेकिन आप इसे घरेलू नुस्खों के जरिए भी ठीक सकते हैं। साल 2016 में प्रकाशित एक अध्ययन से पता चला है कि कॉर्डिया मायक्सा फल में उच्च-रक्तचापरोधी गुण होते हैं। अध्ययन 5 सप्ताह के लिए किया गया था और यह पाया गया कि यह फल निकालने रक्तचाप के स्तर को प्रबंधित कर सकता है और ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव को कम कर सकता है।

Lasoda removes skin disorder-

स्किन डिसऑर्डर को दूर करता है लसोड़ा-

It is common to have boils and pimples on the skin in monsoon. This problem is especially seen in children who come in contact with some insects in sports. In such a situation, if you have a Lasode tree, then grind its leaves and apply it on the affected skin, then you will get relief. Lasoda is also helpful for those who are troubled by the problem of itching and allergies. For this, grind the seeds of Lasoda and apply it on the itchy area, which will give relief.

मानसून में स्किन पर फोड़े-फुंसी होना आम बात है। ये समस्या बच्चों में खासकर देखने को मिलती है जो खेलकूंद में किसी कीड़े के संपर्क में आ जाते हैं। ऐसे में अगर आपके पास लसोड़े का पेड़ है तो उसके पत्ते को पीसकर प्रभावित त्वचा पर लगाएंगे तो आराम मिलेगा। जो लोग खुजली और एलर्जी की समस्या से परेशान हैं उनके लिए भी लसोड़ा सहायक है। इसके लिए आप लसोड़े के बीजों को पीसकर खुजली वाली जगह पर लगाएं जिससे आराम मिलेगा।

Lasoda removes sore throat-

गले की खराश मिटा देता है लसोड़ा-

If you have a bad throat, then to cure it, boil the bark of Lasoda in water and then filter it and drink it. You can also add black pepper and honey for taste. This will relieve your sore throat. Apart from this, the decoction of the bark of its tree gives relief to women during periods.

अगर आपका गला खराब है तो आप ठीक करने के लिए लसोड़े की छाल को पानी में उबालें और फिर छानकर पिएं। स्वाद के लिए आप इसमें काली मिर्च और शहद भी मिला सकते हैं। इससे आपके गले की खराश दूर हो जाएगी। इसके अलावा इसके पेड़ की छाल का काढ़ा महिलाओं को पीरियड में होने वाले दर्द ये राहत दिलाता है।

Lasoda is helpful in oral health-

ओरल हेल्थ में मददगार है लसोड़ा-

Many people start having swollen gums and toothache after eating certain things. It is helpful in overall oral health. Mouth ulcers can also be removed by its use. To get relief in oral health, take the powder of the bark of Lasoda and boil it by mixing it in two cups of water and then drink this drink. With this, toothache, blisters and swelling of the gums will all disappear.

बहुत से लोगों को कुछ चीजें खाने के बाद मसूड़ों में सूजन और दांत दर्द होने लगते हैं। ये समग्र ओरल हेल्थ में सहायक है। इसके सेवन मुंह के छालों को भी दूर किया जा सकता है। ओरल हेल्थ में राहत पाने के लिए आप लसोड़े की छाल का पाउडर लें और उसे दो कप पानी में मिलाकर उबालें और फिर इस ड्रिंक को पीएं। इससे दांत का दर्द, छाले और मसूड़ों की सूजन सब गायब हो जाएगी।

Lasoda provides relief in joint pain and arthritis-

जोड़ों का दर्द और गठिया में राहत दिलाता है लसोड़ा-

Regular consumption of blueberry i.e. Lasoda is known to provide relief from joint pain in people suffering from arthritis.  the fruits and leaves of Lasoda have analgesic properties that can relieve joint pain. However, it cannot replace the drug.

लसोड़ा का नियमित सेवन गठिया से पीड़ित लोगों में जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत दिलाने के लिए जाना जाता है। लसोड़ा के फलों और पत्तियों में एनाल्जेसिक गुण होते हैं जो जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत दिला सकते हैं। हालांकि, ये दवा को रिप्लेस नहीं कर पाता।

Lasoda does the problem of successful hair-

सफेल बालों की समस्या करता है लसोड़ा-

If your hair is turning gray before your age, then Lasoda is a home remedy for you. Applying the juice extracted from its fruits on the hair ends the problem of whiteness. You can also use the juice of Lasoda fruit mixed with oil. Headache problem can also be got rid of with this mixture. Not only this, you can also get better results by applying a paste of Lasoda leaves.


अगर आपकी उम्र से पहले ही बाल सफेद हो रहे हैं तो लसोड़ा आपके लिए घरेलू औषधि है। इसके फलों से निकले रस को बालों पर लगाने से सफेद की समस्या दूर हो जाती है। आप लसोड़े के फल के रस को तेल में म‍िलाकर भी प्रयोग में ले सकते हैं। इस मिश्रण से सिरदर्द की समस्या से भी छुटकारा पाया जा सकता है। इतना ही नहीं आप लसोड़े के पत्तों का लेप लगाकर भी बेहतर परिणाम पा सकते हैं।

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - 

Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.



*Botanical name-  Ficus religiosa 

*Common name-  Peepal, hindu tree,bodhi tree, Arani,Ashvattha,Ragi 

*Family name- Moraceae

The Peepal represents the trinity of Bhrama, Vishnu, and Shiva – the roots being Bhrama, the trunk, Vishnu, and the leaves, Shiva. 

पीपल ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और शिव की त्रिमूर्ति का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है - जड़ें ब्रह्मा, ट्रंक, विष्णु और पत्तियां, शिव हैं।

Peepal tree (popularly known as ‘Bodhi Tree’) is considered auspicious in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. This tree is a symbol of the Universe’s never-ending expanse – indeed, it is revered across the Indian subcontinent, particularly amongst the Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists, as the Tree of Life. 

पीपल के पेड़ (जिसे बोधि वृक्ष के नाम से जाना जाता है) को हिंदू धर्म, जैन धर्म और बौद्ध धर्म में शुभ माना जाता है। यह पेड़ ब्रह्मांड के कभी न खत्म होने वाले विस्तार का प्रतीक है - वास्तव में, यह भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में, विशेष रूप से हिंदुओं, जैनियों और बौद्धों के बीच, जीवन के वृक्ष के रूप में पूजनीय है।

Releases oxygen even at night. According to the science of Ayurveda, every part of Pipal tree is useful for treating numerous health issues and ailments. This tree can cure as many as 50 disorders, including diarrhoea, epilepsy and gastric troubles. 

रात में भी ऑक्सीजन छोड़ते हैं। आयुर्वेद के विज्ञान के अनुसार, पीपल के पेड़ का हर हिस्सा कई स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं और बीमारियों के इलाज के लिए उपयोगी है। यह पेड़ दस्त, मिर्गी और गैस्ट्रिक समस्याओं सहित 50 विकारों को ठीक कर सकता है।

Medicinal used –Peepal tree leaves contain glucose, asteriod and mennos, phenolic while its bark is rich in Vitamin K, tainen and phaetosteroline. All of these ingredients make the peepal tree an exceptional medicinal tree.

पीपल के पेड़ की पत्तियों में ग्लूकोज, एस्टेरिओड और मेनोस, फेनोलिक होता है, जबकि इसकी छाल विटामिन के, ताइनेन और फेटोस्टेरोलिन से भरपूर होती है। ये सभी तत्व पीपल के पेड़ को एक असाधारण औषधीय पेड़ बनाते हैं।

 Bleeding diarrhea:- Take soft stems of peepal, coriander seeds,crystal sugar in equal quantity and mix them well and take its 3-4 grams twice a day and it is very useful in this disease.

रक्तस्रावी अतिसार :- पीपल के नरम तने, धनिये के दाने, मिश्री समान मात्रा में लेकर अच्छी तरह मिलाकर इसकी 3-4 ग्राम की मात्रा में दिन में दो बार सेवन करने से इस रोग में बहुत लाभ होता है।

* Poor appetite:- Consume ripe fruits of Peepal Peepal fruit can also be taken for cough, pitta, blood-related problems, burning sensation and vomitting etc.

भूख कम लगना:- पीपल पीपल के पके फलों का सेवन खांसी, पित्त, रक्त संबंधी समस्याओं, जलन और उल्टी आदि के लिए भी किया जा सकता है।

* Stomach pain:- Make paste of 2.5 leaves of a peepal plant and mix with 50 grams jaggery and make small tablets of the mixture and take it 3-4 times a day. It will soothe the stomach pain.

पेट दर्द :- पीपल के पौधे के 2.5 पत्तों का पेस्ट बनाकर 50 ग्राम गुड़ में मिलाकर मिश्रण की छोटी-छोटी गोलियां बनाकर दिन में 3-4 बार सेवन करें। यह पेट दर्द को शांत करेगा।

* Asthma:- Take a bark of plant and its ripe fruits. Make their powder separately and mix them in equal quantities. In take of this mixture thrice in a day is very effective in this problem. Make a powder of dry fruits of peepal and take it with two to three grams of water for 14 days twice a day and this will prove very effective.

अस्थमा :- पौधे की छाल और उसके पके फल लें। इनका पाउडर अलग-अलग बनाकर समान मात्रा में मिला लें। इस मिश्रण का दिन में तीन बार सेवन करने से इस समस्या में बहुत फायदा होता है। पीपल के सूखे मेवों का चूर्ण बनाकर दो से तीन ग्राम पानी के साथ 14 दिन तक दिन में दो बार सेवन करने से बहुत फायदा होता है।

* Snake Bite:- In case of a snake bite give 2-2 spoons of the extracts of Peepal leaves three to four times to reduce the effect of the poison.

सर्पदंश :- सर्पदंश होने पर 2-2 चम्मच पीपल के पत्तों का रस तीन से चार बार पिलाने से विष का प्रभाव कम हो जाता है।

* Skin diseases:- Eat the soft leaves of Peepal and the problem itching and other skin diseases are cured. Taking 40 ml tea of this leaf is equally effective.

चर्म रोग :- पीपल के कोमल पत्तों को खाने से खुजली व अन्य चर्म रोग ठीक हो जाते हैं। इस पत्ते की 40 मिलीलीटर चाय का सेवन भी उतना ही असरदार होता है।

* Eczema itching:- Take 50 gms peepali bark ash and add lime and ghee properly and make the paste of the mixture. Apply this paste on effective areas and it will prove soothing effects . Take 40 ml tea of peepal bark regularly and it will also be useful.

खुजली वाली खुजली :- 50 ग्राम पीपली की छाल की राख लेकर उसमें नींबू और घी को अच्छी तरह मिलाकर पेस्ट बना लें। इस पेस्ट को प्रभावी क्षेत्रों पर लगाएं और यह सुखदायक प्रभाव साबित होगा। पीपल की छाल की 40 मिलीलीटर चाय नियमित रूप से लेने से भी लाभ होगा।

* Cracked Heals:- Apply Peepal leaf extracts or its milk on cracked hands and heels to get best results.

फटी एड़ियां :- पीपल के पत्ते का अर्क या उसका दूध फटे हाथों और एड़ी पर लगाने से अच्छे परिणाम मिलते हैं।

 Blood purification:- Take one to two gm of Peepal seeds powder and take it with honey twice a day and it will purify the blood. In the gastric-related blood disorders take 40 ml kwath and five gms of honey for best results.

रक्त शुद्धि :- पीपल के बीज का चूर्ण एक से दो ग्राम की मात्रा में लेकर शहद के साथ दिन में दो बार सेवन करने से रक्त शुद्ध होता है। जठर-संबंधी रक्त विकारों में अच्छे परिणाम के लिए 40 मिली क्वाथ और 5 ग्राम शहद मिलाकर सेवन करें

.  Liver and spline disease:- Take 3-4 fresh leaves of Peepal and mix crystal sugar in it and make its powder. Mix the powder in 250 ml water and then filter the mixture. This squash has to be given twice a day to the patient for 5 days. This medicine is very effective for patient of Jaundice.

जिगर और तंतु रोग :- पीपल के 3-4 ताजे पत्ते लेकर उसमें क्रिस्टल चीनी मिलाकर उसका चूर्ण बना लें। पाउडर को 250 मिलीलीटर पानी में मिलाकर मिश्रण को छान लें। यह स्क्वैश रोगी को 5 दिनों तक दिन में दो बार देना होता है। पीलिया के रोगी के लिए यह औषधि बहुत ही गुणकारी है।

* Swelling in Spline:- Take 10-20 gms of peepal bark and burn it out and add equal quantity of Kalmi Shora and pour it in ripe banana and eat one such banana each day and it will cure swelling of spline swelling.

 सूजन :- पीपल की छाल 10-20 ग्राम लेकर उसे जलाकर उतनी ही मात्रा में कलमी शोरा मिलाकर पके केले में डालकर प्रतिदिन एक ऐसा केला खाने से तख़्ती की सूजन दूर हो जाती है।

* Hiccups:- Take 50-100 gms bark of peepal and make tis charcoal and extinguish it in water.

हिचकी :- पीपल की छाल 50-100 ग्राम लेकर तीस का कोयला बनाकर पानी में बुझा दें।

* Eye pain:- Take the milk of the leaves of the plant and apply on the eye.

    आंखों का दर्द :- पौधे की पत्तियों का दूध लेकर आंखों पर लगाएं।

* Tooth ache:- Take barks of both peepal and banian tree in equal quantity and mix them well and boil the mixture in hot water.

दांत दर्द :- पीपल और बरगद दोनों के पेड़ की छाल को बराबर मात्रा में लेकर अच्छी तरह मिलाकर गर्म पानी में उबाल लें, गुनगुने पानी से गरारे करें ।


Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Environment benefit- 

Peepal tree do play a crucial role in keeping  the environment clean.

Peepal tree surrounding  Clean air and absorbed co2 .


*Botanical name-  Saraca asoca

*Common name- Hindi- Ashok,asok  Malayalam- Asokam, Hemapushpam Tamil- Anagam, Ashogam Telugu- Ashokamu, Vanjulamu Marathi- Ashok  Gujarathi – Ashoka Punjabi - Asok

*Family name-    Fabaceae 

*Medicinal Used-

 Help treat acne-  You can boil the bark of Ashoka tree to form a thick decoction and apply mustard oil after it gets cold. This solution, when applied to boils and acne, produces a very beneficial effect.

मुंहासों के इलाज में मदद- अशोक के पेड़ की छाल को उबालकर गाढ़ा काढ़ा बना लें और ठंडा होने पर सरसों का तेल लगाएं। फोड़े और मुंहासों पर लगाने पर यह घोल बहुत फायदेमंद प्रभाव पैदा करता है।

Ashoka Tree Bark Helps improve intellect-

Regular consumption of Ashoka tree products help to improve your intellect. You have to mix equal quantities of Ashoka’s bark and brahmi powder and consume 1 teaspoon of this mixture twice daily with a cup of milk.

अशोक के पेड़ की छाल बुद्धि को बढ़ाने में मदद करती है-  अशोक के पेड़ के उत्पादों का नियमित सेवन आपकी बुद्धि को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करता है। आपको अशोक की छाल और ब्राह्मी पाउडर को बराबर मात्रा में मिलाना है और इस मिश्रण का 1 चम्मच दिन में दो बार एक कप दूध के साथ सेवन करना है।

Ashoka Tree Leaves in Skin Care-

Consumption of herbs from the Ashoka tree helps to remove toxins from our blood and therefore provides excellent benefits for our skin. Ashoka tree herbs help to purify blood and prevent the onset of allergies and other skin disorders. Burn and skin irritations can also be treated by using extracts from the Ashoka tree.

त्वचा की देखभाल में अशोक के पेड़ के पत्ते- अशोक के पेड़ की जड़ी-बूटियों का सेवन हमारे रक्त से विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकालने में मदद करता है और इसलिए हमारी त्वचा के लिए उत्कृष्ट लाभ प्रदान करता है। अशोक के पेड़ की जड़ी-बूटियाँ रक्त को शुद्ध करने और एलर्जी और अन्य त्वचा विकारों की शुरुआत को रोकने में मदद करती हैं। अशोक के पेड़ के अर्क का उपयोग करके जलन और त्वचा की जलन का भी इलाज किया जा सकता है।

Ashoka Tree for Piles and Diabetes-

People who are suffering from diabetes can use the dried flowers of the Ashoka tree to treat their ailment. The Ashoka flowers help to check blood sugar levels. Herbal supplements prepared from this Ashoka tree help in the treatment of piles. A decoction prepared from the bark of the Ashoka tree helps to treat internal piles.

बवासीर और मधुमेह के लिए अशोक का पेड़- जो लोग मधुमेह से पीड़ित हैं वे अपनी बीमारी के इलाज के लिए अशोक के पेड़ के सूखे फूलों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। अशोक के फूल ब्लड शुगर लेवल को चेक करने में मदद करते हैं। अशोक के इस पेड़ से तैयार हर्बल सप्लीमेंट बवासीर के इलाज में मदद करते हैं। अशोक के पेड़ की छाल से बना काढ़ा आंतरिक बवासीर के इलाज में मदद करता है।

Ashoka Flower Helps in Relieve Pain-

Ashoka tree extracts have analgesic properties and so help to relieve pain. If you experiencing pain in your joints, you can apply a paste of the bark on the affected areas and experience some relief.

दर्द दूर करने में मदद करता है अशोक का फूल- अशोक के पेड़ के अर्क में एनाल्जेसिक गुण होते हैं और इसलिए दर्द से राहत दिलाने में मदद करते हैं। यदि आप अपने जोड़ों में दर्द का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, तो आप प्रभावित क्षेत्रों पर छाल का लेप लगा सकते हैं और कुछ राहत का अनुभव कर सकते हैं।

Ashoka Tree Side-Effects & Allergies-

People who are sensitive to certain types of food should consult a doctor before consuming products of this tree.

अशोक के पेड़ के दुष्प्रभाव और एलर्जी- जो लोग कुछ प्रकार के भोजन के प्रति संवेदनशील होते हैं, उन्हें इस पेड़ के उत्पादों का सेवन करने से पहले डॉक्टर से सलाह लेनी चाहिए।

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Environment  benefits- The Ashoka tree is a rainforest tree spread across the Indian subcontinent. The tree is popular for its mesmerizing beauty along with its ability to cleanse the air around it. They absorb toxic gases, particulate matter and enrich the atmosphere with clean oxygen.



*Botanical name:-    Eucalyptus globulus

*Local name - River redgum , Murray red gum , eucalipto-rojo, Nilgiri tree.

*Family - Myrtaceae

* Medicinal used - Eucalyptus oil-

Healing of the respiratory system:-

 Medicines containing eucalyptus extract are the most effective when it comes to sore throats, asthma, coughs, and colds. To relieve congestion it is advised for a eucalyptus ointment to be rubbed on the chest and back. Additionally, if the congestion is persistent, then try boiling leaves in a tightly covered pot. Inhalation of the resulting steam is the most effective remedy for the nose.

Healing cuts, insect bites, and burns:-

 As an antiseptic, eucalyptus oil can be used topically to reduce the risk of infection and induce the healing.

Remedy for muscle and joint pain:-

 As known to reduce pain and relax muscles, eucalyptus ointments can be applied to the painful spot for a quick relief.

At one time, eucalyptus was thought to be a valuable treatment for diabetes. Although it does appear to cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, research continues regarding the exact benefits, if any, for diabetics. 

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Household Uses-

Soaps and cleansers – Commonly found in household cleaners, eucalyptus offers a healthy aroma and strong cleansing abilities. It is often used in spas and saunas for both refreshment and cleansing purposes.

Spot and stain remover – There are companies that sell the oil for such purposes, claiming that it doesnt leave a stain and removes tough stains such as gum and ink.

Carpet cleaner – In a less concentrated form than the spot remover, eucalyptus spray can be used as a natural carpet cleaner without drenching the carpet.

Doing laundry – Adding a teaspoon of oil to heavily soiled loads may clean and refresh them.

Garden spray – You can use this spray directly on the base of plants to keep pets away.


*Environmental uses-

Eucalyptus is truly a wonder tree that helps in restoration of health in humans as well as the planet.

At TreeCoin we are putting the trees benefits to use by planting it where it is most needed. Due to heavy deforestation in the Paraguayan area, many lands lack greenery. 

Animals, as well as people, suffer in many different ways. Thus, through afforestation with eucalyptus trees and bringing back the forests of Paraguay, we can reduce the global warming issues. 

For instance, it will help animals find natural shelter, and enable people to reap the health benefits of the eucalyptus plant.


*Botanical name-  Bauhinia variegata

*Common name-  Kachnar, Orchid tree, camel foot tree, mountain ebony, butterfly ash, poor man orchid, Kachanar.

*Family name- Fabaceae 

*Medicinal Used:- Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-malarial, pain reducing, swelling reducing, cytotoxic, fever reducing and thyroid hormone regulating properties. 

1. Goiter (Galaganda, Gandamala)

· Galaganda is single swelling (cyst) in the throat and Gandamala is chain of swellings around the lower neck (cervical adenitis).

· 2. Tonsils, Thyroid Problem

· Boil bark (20 gm) in water (200 ml) till water reduces to 50 ml. filter and drink.

3. Jaundice, Liver related problems:

1. For Jaundice grind leaves of Kachnar to extract juice. This juice can be taken twice a day. Dose for adult patient is 100 ml and for children is 15 ml.

2. This improves the liver function and also helpful in curing the liver enlargement.

4. Mouth Ulcers, Bad Breath :

Take bark (10 gm) of Kachnar tree and boil in water (400 ml) till volume reduces to 100 ml. Filter and gargle frequently.

5. Diarrhoea:

Take dried bark and ground to make powder. Take this powder (3 gm) twice a day.


Dry flowers of kachnar in shade and grind to make powder.

Kachnar buds are used in many recipes of the Indian subcontinent. It is also part of Achaar there as well.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद !

*Environment  benefits-  To reduce air pollution and make urban areas more attractive; the concerned authorities should take essential measures from environmentalists.

Tree that is planted along highways for the atmosphere and soil pollution safety

 Health of environment will be improved and urban areas.



*Botanical name:- Syzygium cumini

*Local name:-Malabar plum, Java plum, black plum, jamun or jambolan , Indian Black Plum.

*Family - Myrtaceae

Natural History- Generally Jamun fruits season June-July

* Medicinal used –

Diarrhoea (with blood) (दस्त (खून के साथ) ):-  For arresting blood in diarrhea, pulverise bark of Jamun tree to get its powder. Mix this powder (2-5 gm) with honey (2 teaspoon) and take twice a day.

Dysentery, chronic diarrhea (पेचिश, पुराना दस्त ):-  Prepare a decoction of bark, by boiling ten gram bark, in half liter water till water reduces to one fourth. Take this decoction (20 ml) thrice a day.

Excessive bleeding, raktapitta (अत्यधिक रक्तस्राव, रक्तपित्त ):-  For stopping excessive bleeding, take Jamun tree bark powder (1/2-1 teaspoon) with milk.

Sprue (गले के दर्द का रोग ):- Mix Jamun bark juice with goat milk and take few times a day.

Ulcerative colitis (नासूर के साथ बड़ी आंत में सूजन ):- Mix dried bark powder (1 gm) with Kutuj bark and take twice a day. This reduces bleeding from intestinal ulcers.

Bed-wetting (बिस्तर गीला ):- Take powdered seed (3-6 gm) of Jamun with water before going to bed to cure problem of urinating in bed while sleeping.

Diabetes (मधुमेह ):- Dry Jamun seeds in sun and prepare its powder. Take this powder (5-10 gms) thrice a day for at least one month.

Diarrhoea (दस्त ):- Pulverises dry Jamun seed (Guthali in hindi) and take with half cup of water thrice a day. This cures loose motion and blood.

Dysentery (पेचिश ):- Take powdered seeds with sugar 2-3 times a day.

Nocturnal emission (रात्रिकालीन उत्सर्जन ):- For curing nightfall, take Jamun seed powder (4 gm) with water twice a day.

Sores, ulcer (घाव, अल्सर ):- Grind and extract juice of Jamun seeds. Apply this juice on the affected areas.

Leucorrhoea (प्रदर ):- Take Jamun seed powder (1 tsp) with boiled rice water for a few days.

Stone (पथरी ):- Take powdered seeds with curd.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - 

Tree clean the Air- Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.

Neighborhoods and homes that are barren have shown to have a greater incidence of violence in and out of the home than their greener counterparts. Trees and landscaping help to reduce the level of fear.


Bottle palm

*Botanical name- hyophorbe lagenicaulis

*Local name -  Draf palm, Bottel palm,  Champagne Palm

*Family - Arecaceae

* Medicinal used –Anemia, Chronic fatigue, Cyanide Poisoning, Digestion problems, Emmoiliant, Fights Depression, High cholestrol, Indigestion, Skin Disorders

Aging, Brain disease, Cancer, Cyanide Poisoning, High blood pressure, High cholestrol, Malaria, Metabolic disorders, Vitamin A, Weight loss

Other uses-Basketary, Biomass for fuel, For making oil, Jelly, Sometimes used for making wine, Traditionally considered as lucky plant, Used as Ornamental plant

Biodiesel, For making oil, Jelly, Sometimes used for making wine, Used in salads, Wax.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।


.*Environmental benefits -A tree absorbs carbon during photosynthesis and stores it for the life of the tree.


Date Palm

*Botanical name:-  Phoenix dactylifera

*Local name:-  Date, date palm,  palmera datilera, pohon kurma, खजूर .

*Family -  Arecaceae

Dates Nutrition- According to USDA FoodData Central, dates are a good source of energy, fiber, sugar, and various vitamins and minerals. Essential minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, and zinc can be found in them. Apart from the above-mentioned nutrients, they may also contain important vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin K.

* Medicinal used –

Improves bone health - Dates could do wonders for your bone health.Dates are rich in selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, and all of these are required when it comes to keeping our bones healthy, and preventing conditions such as osteoporosis. 

The nervous system- Date are loaded with potassium, and yet contain little sodium, and that goes a long way in keeping your nervous system in order.

Promotes digestion- Few dates in water and chew on them daily, your digestive system will behave itself very well. Due to its high fibre content it is also recommended for those who have trouble with constipation. 

Improves skin- The vitamins C and D works on your skin elasticity, and also keeps your skin smooth.  if you suffer from skin problems, incorporating dates into your diet might help you in the long run. Anti-ageing benefits, and prevent the accumulation of melanin in your body.

weight gain- water overnight and then eat it.The sugar, proteins, and other vitamins in the fruit help in weight gain, especially when you need it. Incidentally, it said that when eaten with cucumber, dates help to keep your weight at a normal level.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - The role of the tree has increased when growers realized that the tree is salt and drought tolerant, in addition to its impact in combating desertification. The tree can decrease the atmospheric temperature and the level of pollutants resulted from industrial activities. 

 It plays a big role in achieving environmental balance, as it grows in a harsh climatic environment and even in highly saline sand.



*Botanical name- Dalbergia sissoo 

*Local name – Shisham, rosewood,Aguru, sisu,dhumrika. 

*Family - Fabaceae 

Medicinal used –

 The leaves are used for eye pain, swelling, painful urination, gynaecological disorders, etc. 

The paste of leaves mixed with sweet oil is used topically in skin excoriation (scrapping, abrading of the skin). 

Piles (Bawaseer in Hindi)  , General debility  , Vomiting, piles, obesity / overweightness .

Pain in eyes ,  Pain in the body , Skin diseases ,Painful urination, boils, pimples, blood purification. 

Body Irritation , Stomach irritation , Eye disease , Fight with Fever  , Cure anemia , Urinary Disease .

Gonorrhea , Cure diarrhea , Treat Cholera , Hemorrhage , Wound , Leucorrhoea , Syphilis disease , Cystica Diseases etc.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Environment benefit- Environmental Agroforestry Amenity Ornamental Shade and shelter Windbreak Fuels Charcoal Fuelwood General Ornamental Human food and beverage Honey/honey flora Materials.

It is a farmer-and-environment-friendly tree by increasing the annual rainfalls, keeping the environment cool, and decreases the ratio of wind evaporation which saves the atmosphere from becoming dry. This provides immunity to inhabitants of such areas from chest and respiratory diseases. The tree helps in stabilizing canal banks and preventing soil erosions. 

It may have resulted due to poor drainage and prolonged water-logging during rains. Roots are the most vulnerable part of a tree. 


*Botanical name-Cassia fistula

*Local name –Amaltas,Raajavriksha,Shampaak

*Family -caesapiniaceae

Medicinal used – 

· Source of medicine/pharmaceutical

· Traditional/folklore

* health benefits-

Fruit of Amaltas- Fruit is indicated in Rheumatism, Gout, Diabetes, Thoracic Obstructions etc.

Leaves of Amaltas - They are specially used in jaundice, piles, rheumatism ulcers and also externally skin eruptions, ring worms and eczema.

Root of Amaltas-  A. Amaltas root is also useful in fever, heart diseases, retained excretions and biliousness.

B. They are specially used in joint pain, migraine, chest pain and blood dysentery. 

Flowers of Amaltas- The amaltas is used as analgesic as an antipyretic, it is a remedy for malaria and other fevers.

Seeds of Amaltas- They seeds are useful in jaundice, biliousness, skin disease and in swollen throat.

The fruit pulp is used for constipation, colic, and urinary disorders.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits -Revegetation

Cassia fistula has been reported to help revegetate overgrazed lands 

· Agroforestry

· Boundary, barrier or support

· Revegetation

· Soil improvement


· Consumer products – 

Bark products, Carved material, Dye/tanning, Gum/resin, Miscellaneous materials, Pesticide, Poisonous to mammals, Tanstuffs, Wood/timber, Charcoal, Fuelwood


*Botanical name:-Ziziphus mauritiana

*Local name:- Indian jujube, Indian plum, Chinese date, Chinese apple, Ber.

*Family -  Rhamnaceae

Natural History- Fruit season - October to March

* Medicinal used –

Rich in antioxidants-

Jujube fruits are rich in several antioxidant compounds, primarily flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. They also contain high levels of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant as well Antioxidants are compounds that can prevent and reverse damage caused by excess free radicals.

एंटीऑक्सीडेंट से भरपूर- बेर के फल कई एंटीऑक्सीडेंट यौगिकों से भरपूर होते हैं, मुख्य रूप से फ्लेवोनोइड्स, पॉलीसेकेराइड्स और ट्राइटरपेनिक एसिड। इनमें विटामिन सी का उच्च स्तर भी होता है, जो एक एंटीऑक्सिडेंट के रूप में कार्य करता है और साथ ही एंटीऑक्सिडेंट यौगिक होते हैं जो अतिरिक्त मुक्त कणों से होने वाले नुकसान को रोक सकते हैं और उलट सकते हैं।

 Improve sleep and brain function-

Jujubes are widely used in alternative medicine to improve sleep quality and brain function. Emerging research suggests their unique antioxidants may be responsible for these effects.

More human research is needed to fully understand how jujube extract may affect your brain and nervous system.

नींद और मस्तिष्क की कार्यक्षमता में सुधार- नींद की गुणवत्ता और मस्तिष्क के कार्य में सुधार के लिए वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा में बेर का व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है। उभरते हुए शोध से पता चलता है कि इन प्रभावों के लिए उनके अद्वितीय एंटीऑक्सीडेंट जिम्मेदार हो सकते हैं।

पूरी तरह से समझने के लिए और अधिक मानव शोध की आवश्यकता है कि बेर का अर्क आपके मस्तिष्क और तंत्रिका तंत्र को कैसे प्रभावित कर सकता है।

Fight cancer cells-

Jujube(Ber) may boost immunity and fight the growth of cancer cells.

Jujube fruit is also rich in vitamin C, which is thought to have powerful anticancer properties.

कैंसर कोशिकाओं से लड़ें- जुजुबे (बेर) प्रतिरक्षा को बढ़ावा दे सकता है और कैंसर कोशिकाओं के विकास से लड़ सकता है।

बेर का फल विटामिन सी से भी भरपूर होता है, जिसके बारे में माना जाता है कि इसमें शक्तिशाली कैंसर रोधी गुण होते हैं।

 Improve digestion-

Jujube’s high fiber content may help improve digestion. About 50% of the carbs in the fruit come from fiber, which is known for its beneficial digestive effects.

पाचन में सुधार- बेर की उच्च फाइबर सामग्री पाचन में सुधार करने में मदद कर सकती है। फल में लगभग 50% कार्ब्स फाइबर से आते हैं, जो इसके लाभकारी पाचन प्रभावों के लिए जाना जाता है

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद !

*Environmental benefits - Air purification.


*Botanical name:- Bombax ceiba

*Local name:-  Silk Cotton Tree, शाल्मली, काटेसांवर, Cotton Tree, Bombax, Red Silk Cotton Tree, Kapok, Sumbal, Shimalo.

*Family -   Malvaceae

* Medicinal used -

Seminal disorders ( वीर्य विकार )-

Take tender roots of semal, clean and dry in shade. Grind to make powder. Take this powder to cure seminal disorders.

Nocturnal emission, semen problems ( निशाचर उत्सर्जन, वीर्य की समस्या )-

Take semal root powder and add vidari (Ipomoea digitata) root, shatawar and misri. Take twice a day with milk.

Blood purification ( रक्त शोधन )-

Take leaves of semal and grind with water. Filter and drink.

Leucorrhoea ( प्रदर )-

Take semal root powder twice a day with water.

Acne, skin blemish and pigmentation ( मुँहासा, त्वचा दोष और पिग्मेंटेशन )- 

Take thorny part from stem of semal tree. Make paste of root of thorn with water. Apply on the affected area. This also lightens scar marks due to boils, freckles, acne vulgarise and burns.

Wounds ( घाव )-

Apply paste of its bark on wound.

Weakness ( दुर्बलता )-

From the semal flower take green base part, clean and dry in shade. Grind to make powder. Mix one spoon powder, honey (2 tbsp) desi ghee (1 tbsp) in milk and drink.

Improve breast milk ( मां के दूध में सुधार ) - 

Take bark of semal root, clean and dry and grind to make powder. Take twice to improve breast milk.

Cold and cough ( सर्दी जुकाम )-

Mix semal root powder with black pepper and dry ginger powder. Take in small amount to cure cold and cough.

Semal Tree Uses- The bark of the Semal tree is a softwood, used in the match sticks. Since the bark lasts long even when submerged in water, fishermen use it as the float. Its seed produces edible oil, used in making soaps.

Fabric- In rural areas, It is for this fiber that villagers gather the Semal fruit. Kopak is used for filling low priced pillows and quilts, which is commonly used in rural areas in India.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - (Red Silk Cotton Tree) commonly known as Semal tree- is a multipurpose tree species of tropical forests; providing food, fodder, fibre, fuel and medicine besides many ecological benefits.


-Erosion control or dune stabilization


Krishna siris

*Botanical name:-  Albizia amara

*Local name:- Krishna Siris tree, Oil cake tree, कृष्ण सिरिस Krishna Siris, Lallei , Lallei , Wunja , Nalla.

*Family -  Mimosaceae

Natural HistoryLeaf Fall - February-March

                         Flowering - February-April

                              Fruiting - April--July

* Medicinal used –

Albizia is taken by mouth for anxiety, cancer, depression, sleep problems (insomnia), and sore throat; to improve mood; and to reduce swelling associated with trauma.

Albizia is applied to the skin to treat insect bites, skin infections (boils and abscesses), ulcers, fractures, and sprains.

Regulate Cholesterol Levels- Protecting the heart is always important, and Krishna Siris may have a unique ability to lower cholesterol levels due to its impressive mixture of organic compounds and beneficial active ingredients. By lowering cholesterol, the cardiovascular system is protected from things like atherosclerosis, and in turn, strokes and heart attacks.

Digestion- Krishna Siris  in a powdered form is often prescribed for those suffering from gastrointestinal issues. Similar to dietary fiber, the powder binds to water and the food material, thereby possibly speeding up the digestion process and keeping your bowel movements regular.

Skin Health- The antioxidant qualities of the bark and leaves of albizia can also work on the outside of the body, and for those suffering from cutaneous conditions like rashes, blemishes, wounds, acne, or psoriasis, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds may quickly soothe those areas and reduce the appearance of blemishes and irritation.

Sleep- If you suffer from sleeplessness or insomnia, a decoction of albizia may be just the ticket to a good night’s sleep. Beyond soothing the nerves and mind, it may help calm the body and might help stimulate long-lasting restful sleep.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - 

Its spreading root system makes it a good soil binder, deterring soil erosion.It is used in agroforestry schemes in India.

Sahjan Tree

*Botanical name- Moringa oleifera 

*Local name – Sahjan tree

*Family -  Moringaceae

Medicinal used - They are also rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. 

1 . Regulates Blood Sugar Levels.  

2 . Relieves Joint Pains.  

3 . Boosts Memory And Concentration.  

4 . Improves Fertility.  

5 . Helps Clear Acne.  

6 . Promotes Tissue Growth.  

7 . Kills Intestinal Worms. 

8 . Aids In Healthy Pregnancy. 

9.Many nervous disorders have been known to show positive results against the use of moringa leaves. 

10.They have niazimicin that is known to reign in the development of cancer cells. 

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Environment benefit - Moringa seed cake, obtained as a byproduct of pressing seeds to obtain oil, is used to filter water using flocculation to produce potable water for animal or human consumption. 

Moringa seed cake removes most impurities from water. 



*Botanical name- pongamia pinnata 

*Local name – Karanj , Pongam, Indian beech, Indian pongamia.

*Family - Fabaceae

Medicinal used – 

 The fruits of karanj is used to treat diabetes.

 Common cough and cold- karang powder mixed honey helps in cold and gives relief.

Skin problem- skin disease like eczema ,abscess, boils can be treated with karanja oil is widely used in skin disorder.

Piles mass- karanja oil helps to control swelling and inflammation of pile mass when applied externally. 

Joint pain – karanja oil helps to reduce bone and joint pain when applied to the affected area.

Ulcer – Juice of karanja roots helps in quick healing of sinus ulcer due to its ropan ( healing ) property

*Consumer products – Karanja oil, karanja oil meal , press cake , Biodiesel , soaps.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।


.*Environmental benefits –

Afforestation and soil reclamation – karanja is promoted as being able to produce oil on poor, degraded or saline soils.

Soil reclamation around coal mines and revegetation in india.

Soil binder and improve – In India, karanja has been traditionally used by villagers on slopy uplands to bind the soil.

River she oak

*Botanical name:- Casuarina cunninghamiana

*Local name:- Ironwood , Australian pine, She-oak ,horsetail casuarina , beach she-oak , Australian-pine.

*Family -  Casuarinaceae

  Size- Often grows to 20–30 m (65–100 ft).

Habitat- Typically found near sea level to 800 m (2600 ft),

with rainfall of 200–5000 mm (8–200 in); tolerates drought

well for 6–8 months.

* Medicinal used –


 The bark of the oak has much importance and is used extensively in medicine as an antiseptic and hemostatic, used to cure toothache and gastropathies, and also used as pacifying agents in inflammation and as healing agents in burn.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits -  Windbreak, soil stabilization, coastal protection,  screen/hedge.

Soils-  Capable of growing on a wide range of soils (coastal and lowland lava flows, poor soil of fernlands, limestone soils), tolerates poor soils because it is a nitrogen fixer.

 - Temperature moderation

 - Groundwater recharge 

 - Stormwater runoff control

 - Water Pollution reduction 

 - Air pollution reduction

 - Carbon sequestration

Sita Ashok

*Botanical name:- Saraca asoca, Saraca indica

*Local name:- Sita Ashok, Sorrowless tree, सीता अशोक Sita Ashok, Hemapushpam, Jasundi, अशौ Ashau.


*Family - Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family)

 Natural history - The flowering season is in summer

* Medicinal used –

Ashoka Tree Leaves in Skin Care-

Consumption of herbs from the Ashoka tree helps to remove toxins from our blood and therefore provides excellent benefits for our skin. Ashoka tree herbs help to purify blood and prevent the onset of allergies and other skin disorders. Burn and skin irritations can also be treated by using extracts from the Ashoka tree.

त्वचा की देखभाल में अशोक के पेड़ के पत्ते- अशोक के पेड़ की जड़ी-बूटियों का सेवन हमारे रक्त से विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकालने में मदद करता है और इसलिए हमारी त्वचा के लिए उत्कृष्ट लाभ प्रदान करता है। अशोक के पेड़ की जड़ी-बूटियाँ रक्त को शुद्ध करने और एलर्जी और अन्य त्वचा विकारों की शुरुआत को रोकने में मदद करती हैं। अशोक के पेड़ के अर्क का उपयोग करके जलन और त्वचा की जलन का भी इलाज किया जा सकता है।

Ashoka Tree for Piles and Diabetes-

People who are suffering from diabetes can use the dried flowers of the Ashoka tree to treat their ailment. The Ashoka flowers help to check blood sugar levels. Herbal supplements prepared from this Ashoka tree help in the treatment of piles. A decoction prepared from the bark of the Ashoka tree helps to treat internal piles.

बवासीर और मधुमेह के लिए अशोक का पेड़- जो लोग मधुमेह से पीड़ित हैं वे अपनी बीमारी के इलाज के लिए अशोक के पेड़ के सूखे फूलों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। अशोक के फूल ब्लड शुगर लेवल को चेक करने में मदद करते हैं। अशोक के इस पेड़ से तैयार हर्बल सप्लीमेंट बवासीर के इलाज में मदद करते हैं। अशोक के पेड़ की छाल से बना काढ़ा आंतरिक बवासीर के इलाज में मदद करता है।

Ashoka Flower Helps in Relieve Pain-

Ashoka tree extracts have analgesic properties and so help to relieve pain. If you experiencing pain in your joints, you can apply a paste of the bark on the affected areas and experience some relief.

दर्द दूर करने में मदद करता है अशोक का फूल- अशोक के पेड़ के अर्क में एनाल्जेसिक गुण होते हैं और इसलिए दर्द से राहत दिलाने में मदद करते हैं। यदि आप अपने जोड़ों में दर्द का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, तो आप प्रभावित क्षेत्रों पर छाल का लेप लगा सकते हैं और कुछ राहत का अनुभव कर सकते हैं।

Ashoka Tree Side-Effects & Allergies-

People who are sensitive to certain types of food should consult a doctor before consuming products of this tree.

अशोक के पेड़ के दुष्प्रभाव और एलर्जी- जो लोग कुछ प्रकार के भोजन के प्रति संवेदनशील होते हैं, उन्हें इस पेड़ के उत्पादों का सेवन करने से पहले डॉक्टर से सलाह लेनी चाहिए।

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits -  

 - Temperature moderation

 - Groundwater recharge 

 - Stormwater runoff control

 - Water Pollution reduction 

 - Air pollution reduction


 - Carbon sequestration

Black siris

*Botanical name:-  Albizia odoratissima

*Local name:-  black siris, Ceylon rosewood, fragrant albizia, tea shade tree, काला सिरिस.

*Family -  Mimosaceae

  Natural history- 

* Medicinal used –


Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - 

 Agroforestry Uses:- 

 Black siris is an excellent companion tree. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen through a symbiotic relationship with bacteria on the root.

It is used in reforestation programmes and is also planted for soil conservation.It produces a well-developed root system that decreases erosion.

Tree canopies decrease soil desiccation and suppress weed growth.


Silver oak

*Botanical name:- Grevillea robusta

*Local name:- शाहबलूत , silk oak , silky oak , बलूत.

*Family - Proteaceae

 Silk oak is an erect, fast-growing, single-stemmed, and medium-sized to large evergreen tree that normally grows about 35 m (114 ft.) in its natural habitat, though elsewhere it is more typically 15 to 25 m (50 to 80 ft.) tall. Bole is straight, branchless for up to 15 m, up to 80 (max. 120) cm in diameter, usually without buttresses.

* Medicinal used – 

-In Kenya, natives of the Kakamega Forest use the plant to treat sore throats, earache, chest problems, flu and toothache.


-In North Garo Hills, Meghalaya, NE India, bark and leaves used for headaches and dizziness.


Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।


• Dye: Yellow and green dye from the leaves; used for dyeing silk.

• Wood: Used for joinery, cabinetry and paneling.

• Fuel: Wood makes a good charcoal. Used to fuel locomotives and river steamers, power boilers and small industries. Sapwood has calorific value of 4800 kcal/kg; the heartwood yields 4950 kcal/kg. 

• Gum or resin: Natural gum has potential as adhesive.

• Ornamental: Grown for its attractive foliage. Leaves used in flower arrangements.

• Apiculture: Golden flowers are an attractant for bees, making it an important honey plant. 


Poison: Flower buds, fruit and seeds

*Environmental benefits - This tree is one of the most important reforestation trees in Nepal.

Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.

The silky oak provides abundant quantities of leaf mulch, which may accumulate to a depth of 30 - 40 cm. This thick layer protects the soil and maintains soil temperature



*Botanical name-Albizia lebbeck

*Local name – East Indian walnut, frywood, Indian siris, koko, lebbek tree, raom tree, womans tongue.

*Family - Fabaceae

Medicinal used – Medicinal Uses in English:

Anti-inflammatory Properties: The bark and leaves are used to reduce inflammation and treat conditions like arthritis.

Astringent: The bark is astringent and can help in treating diarrhea and dysentery.

Anxiolytic Effects: The leaves are believed to have calming effects and are used for anxiety and stress relief.

Antioxidant: Rich in antioxidants, it can help combat oxidative stress in the body.

Skin Disorders: The extracts are used in treating various skin ailments due to their soothing properties.

Respiratory Issues: The plant is used in traditional remedies for coughs and other respiratory problems.

Medicinal Uses in Hindi:

सूजन कम करने के गुण: इसकी छाल और पत्ते सूजन कम करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैं, जैसे गठिया में।

आसुत गुण: इसकी छाल आसुत होती है और दस्त तथा पेचिश का इलाज करने में मदद करती है।

चिंता दूर करने वाले गुण: पत्तियों का उपयोग चिंता और तनाव को कम करने के लिए किया जाता है।

एंटीऑक्सीडेंट: यह एंटीऑक्सीडेंट से भरपूर होती है, जो शरीर में ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव को कम करने में मदद करती है।

त्वचा रोग: इसके अर्क का उपयोग विभिन्न त्वचा रोगों के इलाज के लिए किया जाता है।

श्वसन संबंधी समस्याएँ: पारंपरिक चिकित्सा में इसे खांसी और अन्य श्वसन समस्याओं के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।

Albizia lebbeck has many medicinal properties like Antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-allergic, antidermatosis, antidysenteric etc. Used in the treatment of Bronchitis, piles, hemicranias, cough, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, asthma etc.

Lebbeck is used as an astringent, to treat boils, cough, to treat the eye, flu, gingivitis, lung problems, pectoral problems, to treat abdominal tumors and it is also used as a tonic. The bark is used medicinally to treat inflammation. Albizia lebbeck is also psychoactive. 

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Environment  benefits- 

SoilTrees are one of the best partners when it comes to agriculture. They act positively in several ways: they reduce soil erosion, increase fertility and help soil obtain moisture.

Providing Shelters for Wildlife

Preventing Water Pollution

Natural Air Conditioning

Purifying Air-  Have you ever felt that feeling of „cleaner air“ in the woods or by the seaside? Well, you were right because it is well known that trees do purify the air.


*Botanical name:- Mimusops elengi

*Local name:-  बकुल , मौलश्री 

*Family - Sapotaceae

  Bullet wood is an evergreen tree reaching a height of about 16 m (52 ft). It flowers in April, and fruiting occurs between June and October. The leaves are glossy, dark green, oval-shaped, 5–14 cm (2.0–5.5 in) long, and 2.5–6 cm (0.98–2.36 in) wide. The flowers are cream, hairy, and scented. The fruits are fleshy, range in color between yellow and brown, and contain a large brown seed.

* Medicinal used –

Toothache:- Mixing peepal, honey and ghee in the decoction of the bark of Moleshri and keeping it in the mouth for some time ends toothache. By rinsing in the decoction of the bark, the teeth become frozen.

(दंत दर्द निवारण-मोलश्री की छाल के काढ़े में पीपल, शहद और घी मिलाकर कुछ देर तक मुख में रखने से दाॅतो का दर्द समाप्त हो जाता है। छाल के काढ़े में में कुल्ला करने से हिलते हुये दाॅत जम जाते हैं।)

On boils, pimple, wound:- For drying any wound or for the treatment of boils and pimple, dry the fruits, flowers and bark of moleshri, mix their powder in ghee and apply it on the diseased area. Everything goes well.

(फोड़े-फुंसी, घाव आदि पर-किसी भी घाव को सुखाने के लिए अथवा फोड़े-फुसिंयों के उपचारार्थ हेतु मोलश्री के फल, फूल एवं छाल को सुखाकर, उनके चूर्ण को घी में मिलाकर रोग वाले स्थान पर लगाने से घाव, फोड़े-फुंसी आदि सब ठीक हो जाते है। )

To get rid of goose-diarrhoea:- By putting two drops of the oil of its seeds in the paste and consuming it, the disease gets cured soon.

(आंव-दस्त दूर करने के लिए-इसके बीजों के तेल की दो बूंद बताशे में डालकर सेंवन करने से शीघ्र ही रोग दूर हो जाता है। )

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।


The plant is native to South and Southeast Asia, particularly the coastal areas of the Indian subcontinent, Bangladesh,Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Myanmar, as well as Northern Australia. It was introduced in China in the 20th century, and it is now cultivated in its south, as well as in Taiwan.

*Environmental benefits - 

 Agroforestry Uses:- 

 Molshree is an excellent companion tree. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen through a symbiotic relationship with bacteria on the root.

It is used in reforestation programmes and is also planted for soil conservation.It produces a well-developed root system that decreases erosion.

Tree canopies decrease soil desiccation and suppress weed growth.

- Air pollution reduction



*Botanical name-  Phyllanthus emblica

*Common name-  Indian gooseberry, amalaki,  amla,  Malacca tree, Aonla (Hindi), Adiphala (Sanskrit), Indian gooseberry, Embelic, myrobalan, Malacca tree (English)

*Family name- Phyllanthaceae 

Indian gooseberry has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Today people still use the fruit of the tree to make medicine.

Amla fruits are a very rich source of vitamin C .

· Medicinal used – It gives a boost to your immunity: Vitamin C rich amla can give a boost to your immunity. Vitamin C is important for children, adults, and the elderly.

· It is good for your heart health: Content of Vitamin C in amla is great for your heart health. It strengthens and thickens arteries in your heart. This is especially important for people who have high levels of bad cholesterol.

· Amla is good for skin and hair: Health skin and hair is vastly dependent on your intake of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps collagen perform in the right way, thus improving your skin quality and making it tighter. Amla gives you the glowing skin you have always aspired for. You can mix amla powder with yoghurt and apply it as a face mask.  For hair, you can mix amla powder with water of coconut oil or sesame oil and massage it deep into your scalp. It can help in getting rid of dandruff, dry skin on your scalp, and improve your hair quality.

· It reduces inflammation: Free radicals in the body can damage heart, skin and even hampers our immunity. This is because free radicals cause inflammation, which is basically the root causes of a majority of diseases. Antioxidants in amla help in neutralising free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body.

· Amla is a rich source of fibre: You must include fibre in your diet for a healthy digestive system. However, make sure that you don’t go overboard with consuming fibre as it can irritate your bowel and increase risks of irritable bowel syndrome. Include just the right amount of fibre in your diet to stay away from constipation, acidity and stomach ulcers. Amla stimulates the production of acid in the stomach, thereby reducing hyperacidity and ulcers.

· It is great for diabetes: Amla contains chromium which is great for stabilising your blood sugar levels. It improves the insulin sensitivity of your cells, which can be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.

Other uses : It is the main ingredient used in the shampoo. Amla oil is used all the world. Amla is used in sauces, candy, dried chips, pickle, jellies and powder. It is even used in the dyeing industry. It extract is popularly used in the ink. Amla wood is commonly used in firework.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Environment benefit- Amla can grow in light as well as the heavy soils.

The young plants are protected from the hot winds as they dye easily. 

Air pollution on your lungs caused due to degrading air quality levels.

Chinese Tallow

*Botanical name:- Triadica sebifera

*Local name:- gray popcorn tree ,  Florida aspen , Chinese tallowtree , candleberry tree ,  

*Family - Euphorbiaceae

Natural history:- Fruit ripens August to November

Tallows other common name, grey popcorn tree, is based on the form of the mature fruit which turns black and opens to reveal white, waxy seeds. These seeds develop from trilobed greenish fruit which appears in clusters at branch tips during September and October.

 * Medicinal used –

Modern research has shown the Chinese Tallow Tree has strong anti-viral and anti-carcinogen properties and also eases high blood pressure.

 Conversely the toxic oil of the seed kernel is deadly in modest amounts and in small amounts can promote tumor formation and inflammation.

 Fortunately the hard seed coating keeps the two oils apart.


Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

*Environmental benefits - 

Nearly any environment but road sides, low lands, trashy sites, borders are common.

Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.



Pink ash

*Botanical name:- Alphitonia petriei 

*Local name:-  pink ash , white ash , pink almond ,Sarsaparilla, Red Ash.

*Family - Rhamnaceae

A tree of wetter areas, when twigs are scratched they produce a strong smell of linament or sarsparilla. Stipules 1-3 mm long. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, whitish on the lower surface the result of densely intertwined hairs, hairs along the veins often rusty, venation prominent. Flowers white, petals small hooded over the stamens. Fruit an indehiscent capsule, black, to 8 mm long, to 15 mm wide.

 * Medicinal used –

The presence of antioxidants in the root and extract of sarsaparilla has been very useful for cancer treatment. The high concentration of natural steroids and saponins reduce the multiplication and spread of cancerous cells. Antioxidants present in sarsaparilla are able to neutralize free radicals, the cancer-causing byproducts of cellular respiration.

2. Pink Ash (Sarsaparilla ) Helps in Treating Arthritis Pains

 Pink Ash (Sarsaparilla) root contains various compounds, such as saponins, parillin, and other flavonoids that can pacify those flare-ups within the body and alleviate pain and discomfort associated with it.

Any sort of inflammatory issue, such as gout, arthritis, or even aching muscles and joints can be cured by the active ingredients of sarsaparilla herb.

3.Pink Ash Boost Immune System

The natural antibacterial properties of sarsaparilla berries and the compounds in the roots increase the strength of our immune system. Sarsaparilla is often used to arrest seasonal colds and flu from occurring and also to cure symptoms including coughs, respiratory difficulties and fevers. It boosts the proper functioning of the immune system.

4.Pink Ash (Sarsaparilla ) Detoxifying Your Body

Sarsaparilla possesses diuretic properties. It can stimulate the production of urine and promote sweating. This is useful to relieve any build-up of fluid, puffiness and swelling.Sarsaparilla promotes the detox process by binding to toxins like bacterial cells in the gastrointestinal tract which prevents them from doing damage in the blood stream.

5. Pink Ash for skin problems

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of sarsaparilla is an effective natural remedy for eczema, acne, psoriasis, bites, minor wounds and rashes. Sarsaparilla plant is also used in homeopathic treatment for skin problems such as itchiness and dry skin.

Note:- यह एक सामान्य जानकारी है कृपया गम्भीर समस्या के लिए  डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें धन्यवाद ! हालांकि, उपयोग करने से पहले एक आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

Common Uses:- Furniture, utility wood, carving, turned objects, and other specialty wood applications.

*Environmental benefits - 

Alphitonia excelsa is an excellent wildlife tree. Native bird species are attracted to both the fleshly blue-black fruits and the high numbers of insect pests, in particular, the looper moth caterpillars like to feed on the foliage of this tree en masse.

 Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.